Alaska Stat. § 18.26.080

Current through Chapter 61 of the 2024 Legislative Session and 2024 Executive Orders 125, 133 through 135
Section 18.26.080 - Bonds of the authority; court jurisdiction
(a) The authority may borrow money and may issue bonds for it, payable from the revenue derived by it from its interest in any one or more medical facilities or from its income and receipts or other assets generally, or a designated part of them. The issuance of revenue bonds is governed by the provisions of this chapter and is not subject to the prior approval of the voters of the state. Revenue bonds, whether coupon or fully registered, are negotiable instruments for all purposes of the Uniform Commercial Code.
(b) The authority shall issue revenue bonds only by resolution adopted by its board after finding that
(1) the lessee or operator of the medical facility is financially responsible and competent to operate the facility, and the lease or operation contract has been approved by the authority and the lessee or operator;
(2) financing the medical facility will be advantageous to the public welfare of the state and the community in which the medical facility is or is to be located; and
(3) the medical facility to be constructed will comply with all applicable ordinances of the municipality.
(c) The resolution adopted in (b) of this section shall also specify the public purpose for which the proceeds of the revenue bonds must be expended and declare the projected cost of carrying out that purpose.
(d) The bonds may be issued as serial bonds, as term bonds, or bonds of both types. The authorizing bond resolution shall state the maturity date which may not exceed 40 years from the bond's date of issue, the rate of interest, the time of payment, the denomination, whether coupon or fully registered, whether transferable, exchangeable, or interchangeable, the registration and conversion privileges, if any, the covenant that payments are to be only in lawful money of the United States of America at the place the board authorizes, and the terms of redemption, if any. The bonds, notes, or attached interest coupons must be executed by manual or facsimile signatures of the officers of the authority designated by the board. Pending preparation of the definitive bonds, the authority may issue interim receipts or certificates which shall be exchanged for the definitive bonds.
(e) The bond resolution shall provide for the establishment of one or more special funds, and those funds may be under the control of the board or one or more trustees. The bond resolution shall obligate the authority to deposit and expend the proceeds of the revenue bonds only into and from those funds. The authority may issue and sell revenue bonds payable as to interest and principal only out of those funds.
(f) All bonds may be sold at public or private sale in the manner, at the time, and for the price determined by the authority.
(g) Before the issuance of any bonds, the authority shall verify that the lease or operator agreement for the medical facility being financed by that issue is at least sufficient, in the judgment of the authority,
(1) to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as they become due;
(2) to create and maintain the reserves for them as the authority considers necessary or desirable; and
(3) to meet all obligations in connection with the lease or operator agreement, including all costs necessary to service the bonds.
(h) Bonds of the authority may be secured by a pooling of leases by which the authority may assign its rights and pledge rents under two or more leases of medical facilities, upon terms that may be provided for in bond resolutions of the authority.
(i) Any bond resolution may contain provisions, which constitute a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds, as to
(1) the rentals, fees, and other amounts to be charged, and the sums to be raised in each year by them, and the use, investment, and disposition of those sums;
(2) the setting aside of reserves or sinking funds, and the regulation, investment, and disposition of them;
(3) limitations on the use of the medical facility;
(4) limitations on the issuance of additional bonds, the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured, the terms upon which additional bonds may rank on a parity with, or be subordinate or superior to, other bonds;
(5) the refunding of outstanding bonds;
(6) the procedure, if any, by which the terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended or abrogated;
(7) any matters relating to the bonds that the authority considers desirable.
(j) The authority may contract for the future sale of revenue bonds by which contract purchasers shall be committed to the prices, terms, and conditions stated in each contract. The authority may pay the consideration it considers proper for those commitments.
(k) The superior court has jurisdiction to hear and determine actions or proceedings relating to the authority, including actions or proceedings brought to foreclose or otherwise enforce a mortgage, pledge, assignment, or security interest or brought by or for the benefit or security of a holder of its bonds or by a trustee for or other representative of the holders.

AS 18.26.080