Alaska Stat. § 09.65.112

Current through Chapter 26 of the Legislative Session (excluding Chapter 21)
Section 09.65.112 - Civil liability for aircraft and watercraft guest passengers
(a) An owner or operator of an aircraft or watercraft is not liable for the civil damages of a person being transported in the owner's or operator's aircraft or watercraft if the aircraft or watercraft is not being used for commercial purposes.
(b) This section does not apply to a civil action
(1) for damages resulting from
(A) gross negligence or reckless or intentional misconduct;
(B) an act or omission of an owner or operator of an aircraft or watercraft if the aircraft or watercraft is being operated as a common carrier; or
(C) an act or omission of an owner or operator of an aircraft or watercraft that occurs while demonstrating an aircraft or watercraft to a prospective buyer; or
(2) described under (a) of this section if the owner or operator
(A) has insurance that would compensate the claimant for civil damages awarded against the owner or operator; an owner or operator who is insured as described in this subparagraph is not liable for civil damages described in (a) of this section that exceed the applicable insurance; or
(B) does not have insurance that would compensate a person being transported as described under (a) of this section for civil damages awarded against the owner or operator and, before the person being transported enters the aircraft or watercraft, the owner or operator fails to provide notice to the person being transported that the owner or operator is uninsured as described in this subparagraph.

AS 09.65.112