W. Va. R. Leg. Claims Comm. R. 2

As amended through January 31, 2024
(a.) Communications addressed to the Legislative Claims Commission or Clerk and all notices, petitions, answers and other pleading, all reports, documents received or filed in the office kept by the Clerk of this Commission, shall be endorsed showing the date of the receipt or filing thereof.
(b.) The Clerk, upon receipt of a notice of a claim, shall record the claim and the name of the claimant whose name shall be used as the title of the claim; and a case number shall be assigned accordingly.
(c.) No paper, exclusive of exhibits, shall be filed in any action or proceeding or be accepted by the Clerk for filing nor any brief, deposition, pleading, order, decree, reporter's transcript or other paper to be made a part of the record in any claim may be received except that the same be upon paper measuring 8 1/2 inches in width and 11 inches in length.

W. Va. R. Leg. Claims Comm. R. 2