W. Va. R. Crim. Pro. Magist. Ct. 17

As amended through January 31, 2024
Rule 17 - Trial
(a)Conduct of Trial. - Trial shall be conducted by the examination and cross-examination of witnesses under oath or affirmation, in an orderly manner, and in accordance with the West Virginia Rules of Evidence.
(b)Production of Statement of Witnesses. - Statements of witnesses shall be produced in accordance with the provisions of Rule 26.2 of the West Virginia Rules of Criminal Procedure.
(c)Trial by Jury. - In cases of trial by jury, a sufficient number of persons shall be notified, in accordance with the Administrative Rules for Magistrate Courts, so that, after dismissals for cause, a panel of 10 persons may be assembled who are legally qualified and free from prejudice. The magistrate may conduct the examination of potential members of the panel or may permit all or part of such examination to be conducted by the parties or their attorneys. Upon selection of the panel of 10 persons legally qualified and free from prejudice, each side shall exercise 2 peremptory challenges to reduce the number of jurors to 6.
(d)Record of Jury Trial. - Every jury trial shall be recorded electronically by a magistrate. If by reason of unavoidable cause it is impossible to record all or part of a jury trial electronically, a magistrate may proceed with the hearing but shall make a written record of the failure to do so and of the cause thereof.

A magnetic tape or other electronic recording medium on which a jury trial is recorded shall be indexed and securely preserved by the magistrate court clerk or, as assigned by the clerk, by the magistrate assistant.

For evidentiary purposes, a duplicate of such electronic recording prepared by the clerk of the magistrate court shall be a "writing" or "recording" as those terms are defined in Rule 1001 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence, and unless the duplicate is shown not to reflect the contents accurately, it shall be treated as an original in the same manner that data stored in a computer or similar data is regarded as an "original" under such rule.

When requested by the state, the defendant, or any interested person, the clerk of the magistrate court shall provide a duplicate copy of the tape or other electronic recording medium of any jury trial held. Unless a defendant requesting the copy has been permitted to proceed with appointed counsel, the defendant shall pay to the magistrate court an amount equal to the actual cost of the tape or other medium or the sum of five dollars, whichever is greater.

Preparation and costs of a transcript of the record or any designated portions thereof shall be the responsibility of the party desiring such transcript unless the circuit court orders payment to be made by the Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Appeals.

(e)Jury Instructions. - In cases of trial by jury, at the close of the evidence, before arguments to the jury are begun, the magistrate shall instruct the jury regarding the law that is applicable to the case. Any party or counsel for any party may provide to the magistrate written requests that the magistrate instruct the jury on the law as set forth in the requests. The magistrate shall provide all parties or their counsel the opportunity, out of the presence of the jury, to argue for or against the giving or refusal to give any instruction.
(f)Parties Not Represented by Counsel. - When a party appears at trial without counsel, the magistrate may inform the party, in the presence of all other parties, of the proper procedures regarding the conduct of trial and examination of witnesses. Such information shall not include counsel or advice regarding choice of tactics or strategy.

W. Va. R. Crim. Pro. Magist. Ct. 17

Adopted Effective 7/1/1988.