W. Va. R. Juve. Proc. 9

As amended through January 31, 2024
Rule 9 - Service
(a) Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall set a time for the preliminary hearing and appoint counsel when appropriate and necessary pursuant to Rule 5. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the juvenile by first class mail or personal service of process. If a juvenile does not appear in response to a summons served by mail, no further proceeding may be held until the juvenile is served a copy of the petition and summons by personal service of process. If a juvenile fails to appear in response to a summons served in person, an order of arrest may be issued by the court.
(b) The parents or legal guardians shall be served with notice of the proceedings in the same manner as the juvenile and required to appear with the juvenile at the time and place set for the proceedings unless such respondents cannot be found after diligent search. If any such respondent cannot be found after diligent search, the court may proceed without further requirement of notice; provided, that the court may order service by first class mail to the last known address of such respondent. The respondent shall be afforded fifteen days after the date of mailing to appear or answer.
(c) The court may order the issuance of a subpoena against the person having custody and control of the juvenile ordering him or her to bring the juvenile before the court.

W. Va. R. Juve. Proc. 9

Effective 1/1/2016.