Tex. 3rd. Admin. Jud. Reg. L. R. 7

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 7 - Conflicting Engagements
A. If an attorney is actually in trial in one court, such attorney may not be put to trial in another court.
B. When an attorney is assigned to two courts for the same date:
1. It is the duty of the attorney to call the affected judges' attention to all conflicting settings as soon as they are known or reasonably may be anticipated.
2. When a conflicting setting problem is made known, the affected judges should confer and agree on which case has priority.
3. The following priorities are established to aid judges in determining which case has priority:
a. Criminal case

A conflict of settings of two criminal cases should be resolved by considering all relevant circumstances, such as a defendant's confinement pending trial (including other detainers such as "blue" warrants), the length of time each case has been pending, the number of times each case has previously been set for trial, a defendant's right to a speedy trial based upon the circumstances of the respective cases, the availability of future trial dates for each case, witness availability, and any other requirement for a prompt trial of either case under applicable law.

b. Case given preference by statute
c. Earliest set case
d. Earliest filed case
e. Courts in multi-judge counties should yield to single judge counties and courts of multi-county districts.
C. In the event the affected judges cannot agree on which case has priority, the question shall be resolved by the regional presiding judge or judges. If two or more regions are affected and the regional presiding judges cannot agree, the question shall be resolved by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Texas, or by another Supreme Court Justice designated by the Chief Justice.

Tex. 3rd. Admin. Jud. Reg. L. R. 7