S.C. R. Magist. Ct. 23

As amended through June 24, 2024
Rule 23 - Subpoenas
(a) Any magistrate, on the application of any party to a cause pending in the magistrates court, shall issue a subpoena citing any person whose testimony may be required in the cause to appear and give evidence. The Court may issue a subpoena, signed but otherwise in blank, to a party requesting it, who shall complete it before service. An attorney as officer of the court may also issue and sign a subpoena on behalf of a court in which the attorney is authorized to practice. Every subpoena shall state the name of the court, and the title of the action, and shall command each person to whom it is directed to attend and give testimony at a time and place specified.
(b) A subpoena may be served by the sheriff of any county in which the witness may be found, by the sheriff's deputy, by a constable of the court, or by any other person who is not a party and is not less than eighteen (18) years of age. Service of a subpoena upon a person named in the subpoena shall be made as provided by Rule 6 and Rule 8(c).
(c) No subpoena shall require a witness to appear in any proceeding not held within the county where that witness resides.
(d) Failure by any person without adequate excuse to obey a subpoena served upon the person may be deemed in contempt of court from which the subpoena issued.
(e) A witness subpoenaed to attend a proceeding under these rules shall receive for each day's attendance and for the time necessarily occupied in going to and returning from the proceeding $25.00 per day and mileage in the same amount as provided by law for official travel of State officers and employees.
(f) In case it shall appear to the satisfaction of any magistrate that the attendance of any witness whose testimony may be required in any case pending before the magistrate cannot be had because of just cause for the witness' absence, extreme age, sickness or infirmity, or when the witness does not reside in the county of the court's jurisdiction, the magistrate may take the examination of such witness or cause it to be done by another magistrate or other officer authorized by law to administer oaths, to be used in evidence on the trial of the case. All parties to the cause shall have notice of the examination so that they may examine or cross-examine the witness. When the examination is made by another, it shall be recorded and sealed, with the title of the case endorsed, and conveyed by a disinterested person to the magistrate authorizing it or mailed postage prepaid to that magistrate.

S.C. R. Magist. Ct. 23