Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 261

Current through April 27, 2017
Rule 261 - Court Administrator

The President Judge shall appoint a Court Administrator, who shall serve at the discretion of the Court (and the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts) and under the supervision and jurisdiction of the Court. The duties of the Court Administrator shall be:

(a) List all cases at law for trial upon praecipe filed with the Prothonotary or upon order of the Court.
(b) List all cases in equity for trial upon praecipe filed with the Prothonotary or upon order of the Court.
(c) List all motions, exceptions or reports of masters in divorce, and preliminary objections for argument or decision in conformity with Local 206 and 211.
(d) Schedule the trial of equity cases and other civil nonjury trials.
(e) Perform such other duties at the Court may from time to time assign to him or her.

Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 261