Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1301

Current through April 27, 2017
Rule 1301 - Compulsory Arbitration
(a) All civil cases, wherein the amount in controversy (exclusive of interest and costs) shall be Twenty Thousand ($20,000-00) Dollars or less shall be submitted to and be heard and decided by a Board of Arbitration consisting of three (3) members of the Clearfield County Bar Association upon the filing of a Certificate of Readiness on the form prescribed by these rules.
(b) Any civil case, regardless of the amount in controversy, upon approval of the Court, may be referred to a Board of Arbitration, by written agreement signed by all parties or their counsel.
(c) The Court, on its own motion, or on motion of either party, may direct that any case may be submitted, heard and decided by a Board of Arbitration. The Court may also determine the amount in controversy as to any case and may enter an Order directing that the case proceed to a Board of Arbitration in conformity to PA.R.C.P. 1021(d).
(d) In all such instances set forth in subparagraphs (b) and (c) above the award of the Board of Arbitration shall be limited to an amount no greater than Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars.

Penn. 46 J.D.R.C.P. 1301