Article I - Mission and Purpose

As amended through January 17, 2024
Article I - Mission and Purpose
Section 1. Sections are entities of the Bar created by the Board of Governors to further the Bar's mission to serve justice and the public interest by promoting respect for the rule of law, improving the quality of legal services, and increasing access to justice. Sections provide Bar members who share interests in particular substantive areas of law with a forum for improving legal skills and knowledge, improving the law and administration of justice, exchanging ideas and information, and engaging in pro bono service and other activities to increase access to justice.
Section 2. With approval from the Board of Governors, a section may adopt a statement of purpose detailing the section's role in supporting the OSB mission.
Section 3. As entities of the Bar, Sections must operate within the OSB mission and goals and comply with the expenditure restrictions applicable to the Bar as set forth in Keller v. State Bar of California, 496 US 1 (1990) and related board policies.
Section 4. As entities of the Bar, Sections are subject to OSB Bylaws and OSB Board Policies. To the extent Section Bylaws conflict with the OSB Bylaws or Board Policies, OSB Bylaws and Board Policies will control.
Revised effective 4/1/2021.