Lane Supp. L. R. 13.121

As amended through January 17, 2024
(1) Any dispute as to the amount of the arbitrator's fee must be submitted to the court in the form of a motion to determine the Arbitrator's Fee within 7 days of receipt by the complaining party of the arbitrator's itemized statement required by UTCR 13.120(2). The motion shall be supported by an affidavit and a memorandum supporting the party's position.
(2) The arbitrator shall file a response, supported by an affidavit, within 7 days of receipt of the motion, and the dispute will be resolved by the court in a summary fashion without further argument.
(3) If, 7 days after the court's determination the arbitrator's fee has not been paid in full, or funds on deposit with the arbitrator in excess of the fee determined to be reasonable have not been refunded to the party(ies), the party/arbitrator to whom the money is owed may file a request with the court for entry of an appropriate judgment by the way of a Supplemental Judgment in the case.

Lane Supp. L. R. 13.121

Amended effective 2/1/2024.