Ohio R. Prof'l. Cond. XX app B

As amended through July 25, 2024
Appendix B - Correlation Table Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility to Ohio Model Rules of Professional Conduct

The following is a numerical listing of the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility with cross-references to provisions of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct that address substantially similar subject-matter. A cross-reference does not indicate that a provision of the Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility has been incorporated in the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct. Please consult the code comparisons that follow each rule for a more detailed treatment of corresponding provisions.

Ohio Code of Professional Responsibility

Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct


DR 1-101 Maintaining Integrity and Competence of the Legal Profession

Rule 8.1

DR 1-102 Misconduct

DR 1-102(A)(1)

Rules 8.2(b) & 8.4(a)

DR 1-102(A)(2)

Rule 8.4(a)

DR 1-102(A)(3)

Rule 8.4(b)

DR 1-102(A)(4)

Rule 8.4(c)

DR 1-102(A)(5)

Rules 8.4(d), (e), & (f)

DR 1-102(A)(6)

Rule 8.4(h)

DR 1-102(B)

Rule 8.4(g)

DR 1-103 Disclosure of Information to Authorities

Rule 8.3

DR 1-104 Disclosure of Information to the Clients

Rule 1.4(c)


DR 2-101 Publicity

Rules 7.1, 7.2(a), (c), & (d), & 7.3(a), (c), (d), & (e)

DR 2-102 Professional Notices, Letterheads, and Offices

Rules 7.5 & 8.2(b)

DR 2-103 Recommendation of Professional Employment

Rules 7.2 & 7.3(f)

DR 2-104 Suggestion of Need of Legal Services

DR 2-104(A)

Rule 7.3

DR 2-104(B)

Rule 7.2

DR 2-105 Limitation of Practice

Rule 7.4

DR 2-106 Fees for Legal Services

DR 2-106(A) & (B)

Rule 1.5(a)

DR 2-106(C)

Rule 1.5(d)

DR 2-107 Division of Fees Among Lawyers

Rules 1.5(e) & (f)

DR 2-108 Agreements Restricting the Practice of a Lawyer

Rule 5.6

DR 2-109 Acceptance of Employment


DR 2-110 Withdrawal from Employment

Rule 1.16

DR 2-111 Sale of Law Practice

Rule 1.17


DR 3-101 Aiding Unauthorized Practice of Law

Rule 5.5(a)

DR 3-102 Dividing Legal Fees with a Nonlawyer

Rule 5.4(a)

DR 3-103 Forming a Partnership with a Nonlawyer

Rule 5.4(b)


DR 4-101 Preservation of Confidences and Secrets of a Client

DR 4-101(A), (B), & (C)(1)

Rule 1.6(a)

DR 4-101(B)

Rule 1.9

DR 4-101(B)(2)

Rule 1.8(b)

DR 4-101(C)(2)

Rule 1.6(b)(6)

DR 4-101(C)(3)

Rule 1.6(b)(2)

DR 4-101(C)(4)

Rule 1.6(b)(5)

DR 4-101(D)

Rule 5.3


DR 5-101 Refusing Employment When the Interests of the Lawyer May Impair the Lawyer's Independent Professional Judgment

DR 5-101(A)(1)

Rule 1.7

DR 5-101(A)(2) & (3)

Rule 1.8(c)

DR 5-101(B)

Rule 3.7

DR 5-102 Withdrawal as Counsel When the Lawyer Becomes a Witness

Rule 3.7

DR 5-103 Avoiding Acquisition of Interest in Litigation

DR 5-103(A)

Rule 1.8(i)

DR 5-103(B)

Rule 1.8(e)

DR 5-104 Limiting Business Relations with a Client

DR 5-104(A)

Rule 1.8(a)

DR 5-104(B)

Rule 1.8(d)

DR 5-105 Refusing to Accept or Continue Employment if the Interests of Another Client May Impair the Independent Professional Judgment of the Lawyer

DR 5-105(A), (B), & (C)

Rule 1.7

DR 5-105(D)

Rules 1.8(k) & 1.10

DR 5-106 Settling Similar Claims of Clients

Rule 1.8(g)

DR 5-107 Avoiding Influence by Others Than the Client

DR 5-107(A) & (B)

Rule 1.8(f)(1), (2), & (3)

DR 5-107(B) & (C)

Rule 5.4(c) & (d)


DR 6-101 Failing to Act Competently

DR 6-101(A)(1) & (2)

Rule 1.1

DR 6-101(A)(3)

Rule 1.3

DR 6-102 Limiting Liability to Client

Rule 1.8(h)


DR 7-101 Representing a Client Zealously

DR 7-101(A)(1)

Rules 1.2(a) & 1.3

DR 7-102 Representing a Client Within the Bounds of the Law

DR 7-102(A)(1)

Rules 3.3(a)(3) & 4.4(a)

DR 7-102(A)(2)

Rule 3.1

DR 7-102(A)(3), (4), & (5)

Rules 3.3 & 4.1

DR 7-102(A)(4) & (6)

Rule 3.3(a)

DR 7-102(A)(6)

Rule 3.4(b)

DR 7-102(A)(7)

Rule 1.2(d)

DR 7-102(A)(8)

Rule 3.4(a)

DR 7-102(B)

Rules 1.6(b)(3), 3.3(b), & 4.1

DR 7-103 Performing the Duty of Public Prosecutor or Other Government Lawyer

Rule 3.8

DR 7-104 Communicating With One of Adverse Interest

DR 7-104(A)(1)

Rule 4.2

DR 7-104(A)(2)

Rule 4.3

DR 7-105 Threatening Criminal Prosecution

Rule 1.2(e)

DR 7-106 Trial Conduct

DR 7-106(A)

Rule 3.4(c)

DR 7-106(B)(1)

Rule 3.3(a) & (c)

DR 7-106(C)(1) & (4)

Rule 3.4(e)

DR 7-106(C)(2)

Rule 4.4(a)

DR 7-106(C)(6)

Rule 3.5(a)(6)

DR 7-106(C)(7)

Rule 3.4(d)

DR 7-107 Trial Publicity

Rule 3.6

DR 7-108 Communication With or Investigation of Jurors

DR 7-108(A) & (B)

Rule 3.5(a)

DR 7-108(D) & (E)

Rule 4.4(a)

DR 7-108(G)

Rule 3.5(b)

DR 7-109 Contact With Witnesses

DR 7-109(A)

Rule 3.4(a)

DR 7-109(B)

Rule 3.4(g)

DR 7-109(C)

Rule 3.4(b)

DR 7-110 Contact With Officials

Rule 3.5

DR 7-111 Confidential Information



DR 8-101 Action as a Public Official


DR 8-102 Statements Concerning Judges and Other Adjudicatory Officers

Rule 8.2(a)


DR 9-101 Avoiding Even the Appearance of Impropriety

DR 9-101(A)

Rule 1.12

DR 9-101(B)

Rules 1.11 & 1.12

DR 9-101(C)

Rule 8.4(e)

DR 9-102 Preserving Identity of Funds and Property of a Client

Rule 1.15


Rule 1.0


EC 2-18 Agreement with Client with Respect to Fees

Rules 1.5(b) & (c)

EC 2-19 Contingent Fee Arrangements

Rule 1.5(d)(1)

EC 2-25 - 2-32 Acceptance and Retention of Employment

Rule 6.2

EC 4-1 Confidences and Secrets

Rule 1.18

EC 4-2 Confidences and Secrets

Rule 5.3

EC 5-19 Organizational Clients

Rule 1.13

EC 5-21 Arbitrator or Mediator

Rules 1.12 & 2.4

EC 7-4 Construction of Law; Frivolous Conduct

Rule 1.2(d)

EC 7-7 Decision-Making Authority

Rule 1.2(a)

EC 7-8 Informing Client of Relevant Considerations; Withdrawal from Employment

Rules 1.2(a), 1.4(a) & (b), and 2.1

EC 7-10 Zealous Advocacy

Rule 1.2(a)

EC 7-11 Varying Responsibilities Dependent Upon Client

Rule 1.14

EC 7-12 Incompetent Client

Rule 1.14

EC 7-13 Responsibility of Prosecutor

Rule 3.8

EC 7-24 Expression by Attorney of Personal Opinion in Court

Rule 3.4

EC 7-25 Adherence to Procedural Rules

Rules 3.1 & 3.4

EC 7-26 False Testimony

Rule 3.4

EC 7-27 Suppression of Evidence

Rule 3.4

EC 7-28 Fees to Witnesses

Rule 3.4

EC 9-2 Promoting Public Confidence in Legal Profession

Rules 1.4(a) & (b)

Ohio. R. Prof'l. Cond. XX app B