Ohio Juv. R. 39

As amended through July 1, 2024
Rule 39 - Out of County Removal Hearings
(A) Notice of removal hearing. Upon the filing of a removal action, the court in which the complaint is filed shall immediately contact the court that issued the original dispositional order for information necessary for service of summons and issuance of notice of the removal hearing. The court that issued the original dispositional order shall respond within five days after receiving the request.

Summons shall issue pursuant to Juv.R. 15 and 16.

Notice of the removal hearing shall be sent by first class mail, as evidenced by a certificate of mailing filed with the clerk of court, to the following, not otherwise summoned, at least five days before the hearing:

(1) The court issuing the dispositional order;
(2) The guardian ad litemfor the child;
(3) Counsel for the child;
(4) The placing entity;
(5) The custodial entity;
(6) The complainant;
(7) The guardian ad litemand counsel presently representing the child in the court that issued the original dispositional order;
(8) Any other persons the court determines to be appropriate.
(B) Removal hearing. The removal hearing shall be held not later than thirty days after service of summons is obtained. if, after the removal hearing, the court grants relief in favor of the complainant, the court shall send written notice of such relief to the juvenile court that issued the original dispositional order.

Ohio. Juv. R. 39
