Ohio Juv. R. 14

As amended through July 1, 2024
Rule 14 - Termination, Extension or Modification of Temporary Custody Orders
(A) Termination. Any temporary custody order issued shall terminate one year after the earlier of the date on which the complaint in the case was filed or the child was first placed into shelter care. A temporary custody order shall extend beyond a year and until the court issues another dispositional order, where any public or private agency with temporary custody, not later than thirty days prior to the earlier of the date for the termination of the custody order or the date set at the dispositional hearing for the hearing to be held pursuant to division (A) of section 2151.415 of the Revised Code, files a motion requesting that any of the following orders of disposition be issued:
(1) An order that the child be returned home with custody to the child's parents, guardian, or custodian without any restrictions;
(2) An order for protective supervision;
(3) An order that the child be placed in the legal custody of a relative or other interested individual;
(4) An order terminating parental rights;
(5) An order for long term foster care;
(6) An order for the extension of temporary custody.
(B) Extension. Upon the filing of an agency's motion for the extension of temporary custody, the court shall schedule a hearing and give notice to all parties in accordance with these rules. The agency shall include in the motion an explanation of the progress on the case plan and of its expectations of reunifying the child with the child's family, or placing the child in a permanent placement, within the extension period. The court may extend the temporary custody order for a period of up to six months. Prior to the end of the extension period, the agency may request one additional extension of up to six months. The court shall grant either extension upon finding that it is in the best interest of the child, that there has been significant progress on the case plan, and that there is reasonable cause to believe that the child will be reunited with one of the child's parents or otherwise permanently placed within the period of extension. Prior to the end of either extension, the agency that received the extension shall file a motion and the court shall issue one of the orders of disposition set forth in division (A) of this rule. Upon the agency's motion or upon its own motion, the court shall conduct a hearing and issue an appropriate order of disposition.
(C) Modification. The court, upon its own motion or that of any party, shall conduct a hearing with notice to all parties to determine whether any order issued should be modified or terminated, or whether any other dispositional order set forth in division (A) should be issued. The court shall so modify or terminate any order in accordance with the best interest of the child.

Ohio. Juv. R. 14
