Ohio L.C.C.R. 15

As amended through July 25, 2024
Rule 15 - Review of caseload
(A)Review of pending cases. The clerk shall from time to time review all causes pending in the court. In causes in which no proceedings have been undertaken within six months of the date of commencement, the court may give written notice to all counsel of record, or to a party who is not represented by counsel, that the cause will be dismissed at a time certain unless before that time has expired good cause is shown that the cause should remain pending.
(B)Review of newly filed complaints. The clerk shall review newly filed complaints to determine whether a state defendant is correctly identified or a complaint names as defendant a non-state party over which the Court of Claims has no jurisdiction. The clerk may, prior to the issuance of summons, refer the complaint to a judge of the Court of Claims for review and, if necessary, for the issuance of an appropriate order. No unnecessary delay in processing complaints shall ensue due to this process. The ultimate responsibility for correctly designating an appropriate defendant and filing a complaint which is free from error or ambiguity remains with the party filing the complaint. The failure of the clerk, deputy clerk, or court to act under this rule does not alter that responsibility.
(C)Information concerning cases, claims based on essentially the same facts. Upon the filing of an original complaint, the clerk shall serve a request for information about connected cases as "request for information" upon the plaintiff's attorney or upon the plaintiff where plaintiff has no attorney. This division (C) does not apply to actions which must be determined administratively in accordance with R.C. 2743.10. The request for information shall, among other things, require the plaintiff to state whether a case, claim, application, etc., based on essentially the same facts as the complaint or petition for removal filed in the Court of Claims, is pending in any court or any bureau, board, commission or agency. The clerk shall draft the request for information form and all necessary instructions for such form.

The plaintiff's attorney or the plaintiff shall complete the request for information form and file it with the court within twenty-eight days after the date the form was mailed by the clerk. The plaintiff's attorney or the plaintiff shall serve a copy of the completed form upon the opposing counsel and all other parties pursuant to Civil Rule 5. All other parties have the continuing duty to immediately inform the court in writing where the information stated in a request for information form is incorrect or incomplete and where there is a change in the status of the case, claim, application, etc., noted in a request for information form, or if an additional case, claim, is filed with any court, bureau, board, commission or agency. The sanctions stated in Civil Rule 37(B)(1) may be assessed for failure to timely comply with this rule.

Ohio. L.C.C.R. 15