Miss. R. Law. & Jud. Ass't Prog. 1

As amended through March 21, 2024
Rule 1 - Authorization

The Supreme Court of Mississippi ("the Court") hereby establishes the Mississippi Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program ("LJAP"). The Court authorizes the Board of Commissioners of The Mississippi Bar (the Bar) to establish a program of intervention, referral for evaluation and treatment, and monitoring and assistance for attorneys, judges, and law students who suffer from chemical dependence or from physical, emotional, or mental disabilities that result from disease, disorder, trauma, or age, and which impairs or tends to impair their ability to practice law or to perform their judicial functions, impairs their professional conduct, or impairs or could impair their admission to the practice of law.

Such program shall be implemented by a Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program (LJAP) Committee appointed by the President of the Bar; provided, no member of any disciplinary agencies shall be a member of the LJAP Committee. Such Committee's creation shall in no way be construed to hinder, limit, or otherwise affect any disciplinary process or Bar Admission process.

The LJAP Committee shall be governed by appropriate regulations promulgated by the LJAP Committee and approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Bar consistent with these Rules.

The LJAP Committee shall be governed by appropriate rules and regulations approved by the Board of Commissioners of the Bar, create action groups which may exercise any or all of the functions set forth herein to the extent provided in any such rules and regulations. Such action groups shall have all of the immunities provided for the LJAP Committee.

Miss. R. Law. & Jud. Ass't Prog. 1

Adopted effective 1/8/2015.