R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 2

As amended through March 21, 2024

The Commission shall consider conduct of a judge or the physical or mental condition of a judge. In the absence of fraud, corrupt motive, or bad faith, the Commission shall not consider allegations against a judge for making findings of fact, reaching a legal conclusion, or applying the law as he understands it. The Commission may consider allegations against a judge regarding any conduct prior to January 1, 1980, where such prior conduct relates to the judge's ability to serve, brings discredit to the judiciary, or adversely affects the administration of justice. Notwithstanding that a judge has resigned his office, the Commission shall retain jurisdiction over that judge if prior to his resignation the Commission has initiated an inquiry into the conduct of the judge.

R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 2