R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 11

As amended through March 21, 2024

Charges against a Justice of the Supreme Court shall proceed in the same manner as charges against any other judge except that, upon the filing of the report and recommendation of the Commission, a special tribunal shall be empaneled as provided by Section 177A of the Mississippi Constitution of 1890. Upon recommendation by the Commission for discipline or retirement of a Justice of the Supreme Court, the executive director shall notify the Secretary of State to select the tribunal in accordance with the procedures established in the Constitution. In the event a judge selected for the tribunal is disqualified or otherwise unable to serve, such judge shall file a notice of recusal with the Clerk of the Supreme Court within ten (10) days. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall notify the Secretary of State and another member shall be selected in the manner provided by the constitution. When seven (7) qualified members have been selected the tribunal shall, within ten (10) days, meet and select one of its members as the presiding member of the tribunal. The tribunal shall proceed in accordance with the Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure, except as otherwise provided in these rules, and the Rules of the Commission, which shall control all proceedings before the seven (7) member tribunal.

R. Miss. Comm'n. Jud. Perform. 11

Amended effective 3/27/1997; amended effective5/27/2004 to shorten period for filing notices of recusal and convening the tribunal.