R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. IX

As amended through March 21, 2024
(A)Roll of Court Reporters. The Board shall maintain current rolls containing names and pertinent information on all individuals who have been certified as Certified Court Reporters or individuals granted Temporary Permission as Noncertified or Nonresident Court Reporters, and said rolls shall be matters of public record. These rolls shall contain a roster of all court reporters eligible and available for appointment.
(B) Certified Court Reporters and individuals granted Temporary Permission as Noncertified or Nonresident Court Reporters must notify the Board in writing within thirty (30) days of any change in employment, home, or business address, and/or telephone number.
(C)Oath. Upon Certification or the granting of Temporary Permission, a court reporter shall taken an oath, on a form provided by the Board, that he/she will faithfully discharge his/her duties; the oath so taken shall be submitted to the Mississippi Board of Certified Court Reporters.

Before entering into his/her office, an official court reporter shall take, in open court, an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties thereof; the oath so taken shall be entered into the minutes of the court, pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §9-13-3(1974).

(D)Bond. All court reporters shall give bond in a penalty of not less than two thousand dollars, pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §9-13-9(1974).

The bond of an official court reporter shall be approved by the court, conditioned for the faithful discharge of duties and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the court of any county in the district, who shall, at the cost of the court reporter, certify a copy thereof to the clerk of said court in each of the other counties of the district, to be filed and preserved in his office, and said copies shall be competent evidence in any proceedings. Such bond shall be recorded at length in the bond record of the county where the original is filed.

(E)Code of Professional Ethics. Each reporter shall abide by the following code of ethics which has been adopted by the Board:
(1) Be fair and impartial toward each participant in all aspects of reported proceedings, and always offer to provide comparable services to all parties in a proceeding.
(2) Be alert to situations that are conflicts of interests or that may give the appearance of a conflict of interest. If a conflict or a potential conflict arises, the reporter shall disclose that conflict or potential conflict.
(3) Guard against not only the fact but the appearance of impropriety.
(4) Preserve the confidentiality and ensure the security of information, oral or written, entrusted to the reporter by any of the parties in a proceeding.
(5) Be truthful and accurate when making public statements or when advertising the reporter's qualifications, certifications, or the services provided.
(6) Refrain, as an official reporter, from freelance reporting activities that interfere with official duties and obligations.
(7) Determine fees independently, except when established by statute or court order, entering into no unlawful agreements with other reporters on the fees to any user.
(8) Refrain from giving, directly or indirectly, any gift, incentive, reward or anything of value to attorneys or their staff, clients, witnesses, insurance companies, or any other persons or entities who retain the services of a court reporter, or to the representatives or agents of any of the foregoing, except for (1) items that do not exceed $100 in the aggregate per recipient each year, or, (2) pro bono services as defined by the NCRA Guidelines for Professional Practice or by applicable state and local laws, rules and regulations.
(9) Maintain the integrity of the reporting profession.
(10) Reporters granted certification or temporary permission shall place their Certification or Temporary Permission number on any transcript title page and certificate page, along with the signature of said court reporter. No court reporter granted certification or temporary permission may authorize the use of the court reporter's number on any transcript not produced through the court reporter's personal effort and/or supervision.
(11) Abide by the rules and regulations governing Certified Court Reporters and Court Reporters granted Temporary Permission in this state, any and all applicable Mississippi Supreme Court rules, and any and all applicable laws as set forth in the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended.

R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. IX

Approved effective 1/1/2012.