R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. II

As amended through March 21, 2024
(A)Creation. By virtue of Section 9-13-101 Et seq., Mississippi Code of 1972, the Mississippi Legislature created a judicial board to be known as the Board of Certified Court Reporters to oversee the licensing of certified court reporters and the granting of temporary permission to noncertified and nonresident court reporters in order to aid the proper administration of the judicial branch of government.
(B)Appointment--Term of Office. The Board shall be composed of nine (9) members. Two (2) members shall be judges, one (1) from the Supreme Court and one (1) from a trial court, appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court with the approval of the full court. Two (2) of the Board members shall be practicing attorneys and shall be appointed by the Chief Justice, with the approval of the full court, on nomination by the Mississippi Bar. Two (2) of the members shall be official court reporters in, and citizens of, Mississippi for at least five (5) years prior to their appointments and shall be appointed by the Chief Justice with approval of the full court on nomination by the Board of Directors of the Mississippi Court Reporters Association. Two (2) of the members shall be freelance court reporters in, and citizens of, Mississippi for at least five (5) years prior to their appointments and shall be appointed by the Chief Justice with approval of the full court on nomination of the Board of Directors of the Mississippi Court Reporters Association. The ninth Board member shall be the Supreme Court Clerk, who shall serve as a permanent member of the Board. Initially, for judges, lawyers and court reporters, one (1) of the two (2) shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year and one (1) for a term of two (2) years. For court reporters, one (1) official shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year and one (1) for a term of two (2) years and one (1) freelance reporter shall be appointed for a term of one (1) year and one (1) for a term of two (2) years. After each member's term expires, his/her successor shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall fill any vacancy for the duration of an unexpired term by appointing a person having the appropriate qualifications. The Supreme Court may remove any member for cause. Members may be appointed to successive terms.
(C)Duties and Powers. The Board is charged with the duties and vested with the power and authority:
(1) To determine the content of and administer examinations to be given to applicants for certification as Certified Court Reporters.
(2) To determine an applicant's ability to make a verbatim record of proceedings which may be used in any court in this State by any recognized system designated by the Board and to pass upon the eligibility of applicants for certification, Temporary Permission as a Noncertified Court Reporter or Temporary Permission as a Nonresident Court Reporter.
(3) To issue licenses to those found qualified as Certified Court Reporters, to grant Temporary Permission to those Noncertified Court Reporters with Mississippi residency who meet the qualifications and requirements as set forth in these rules, and to grant Temporary Permission to those Nonresident Court Reporters who meet the qualifications and requirements as set forth in these rules.
(4) To promulgate, amend and revise regulations relevant to the duties of the Board, subject to the approval of the Supreme Court.
(5) To make studies and, from time to time, recommendations to the Supreme Court concerning matters pertaining to Certified Court Reporters and to reporters granted Temporary Permission as Noncertified Court Reporters or as Nonresident Court Reporters.
(6) To account to the Supreme Court in all fiscal matters following recognized accounting procedures of the State Auditor.
(7) To exercise jurisdiction over disciplinary matters with regard to Certified Court Reporters or Court Reporters who are granted Temporary Permission as Noncertified Court Reporters or as Nonresident Court Reporters in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the Board.
(8) To enter into contracts, hire staff and do such other things as may be necessary to carry out the administration of the duties of the Board.
(9) To maintain a current roll of Certified Court Reporters and a current roll of court reporters granted Temporary Permission as Noncertified or Nonresident Court Reporters, and said rolls shall be matters of public record.
(D)Oath. Each member of the Board shall take a prescribed oath to be administered by one (1) of the Justices of the Supreme Court, or by another person authorized by law to take oaths, to fairly, impartially and to the best of his/her ability discharge the duties of the office and agree to keep confidential all communications, discussions, and actions of the Board, unless ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(E)Officers. At the first meeting of the calendar year, the Board shall elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman. The Board's Administrator shall serve as Secretary/Treasurer.
(F)Compensation and Expenses. The members of the Board shall receive all reasonable and necessary travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. All fees collected by the Board shall be paid to the State Treasurer, who shall issue receipts therefore and who shall deposit such funds in the State Treasury in a special fund to the credit of the Board. All expenses incurred by the Board shall be paid out of such special fund pursuant to legislative appropriation. An annual budget shall be prepared by the Supreme Court and submitted to the Board for its approval prior to submission by the Court of its budget to the Mississippi State Legislature.
(G)Quorum. The Board shall act upon each application at a special or regular meeting of the Board at which a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members. Action on any matter at the meeting of the Board may be taken by a majority of a quorum. The Board may act upon any matter without a meeting by a written poll conducted by the Chairman. Action taken upon such a poll may be taken only upon majority vote of the entire Board. The action of the Board taken by written poll shall be placed in the minutes of the Board at its next meeting.
(H)Headquarters. The office of the Board shall be located at 450 High Street, Jackson, Mississippi, 39201. The mailing address of the Board is P.O. Box 369, Jackson, Mississippi, 39205-0369, and the telephone number is (601) 576-4623.

R. & Regul. Gov. Cert. Ct. Report. II

Approved effective 1/1/2012.