R. & Regul. Cert. & Cont. Educ. Miss. Ct. Admin. 4

As amended through March 21, 2024
4.1 As soon as practicable after January 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 2001, the Mississippi Judicial College shall forward to the AOC the name of each Administrator who is required to comply and has not complied with Rules 1 and 2 of the Mississippi Rules for Certification and Continuing Education of Mississippi Court Administrators. Compliance with Rule 3 will be tracked by the AOC. Within a reasonable time after the receipt by the AOC of the names, the AOC shall send a Notice of Noncompliance to the Administrator, asking the Administrator to respond within thirty (30) days, informing the AOC why the Administrator should not be reported to the Supreme Court for sanction. A copy of said notice shall be mailed to the Administrator' s supervising judge(s). In response to the Notice of Noncompliance, such Administrator shall furnish the AOC with an affidavit that contains the following information, and any other information which may be considered relevant:
(a) An indication that the administrator has complied with the requirement prior to expiration of the thirty (30) day period, or
(b) A recitation of an excuse for failure to comply with the requirements because of hardship or other good cause.
4.2 Within a reasonable time after the expiration of the time allowed to respond to the Notice of Noncompliance, the AOC shall notify the Supreme Court of Mississippi of each Administrator who fails to file an affidavit or files an affidavit which does not set forth a valid reason for noncompliance, and the AOC may recommend appropriate sanctions to the Mississippi Supreme Court, with said recommendations possibly including a reprimand, or other such actions deemed appropriate by the Supreme Court, including, but not limited to, dismissal and/or financial withholding in the case of Circuit and Chancery Court Administrators. The Supreme Court shall then issue a Notice to Show Cause for the Court Administrator to file a response, under oath, outlining any reasons that the recommended sanction should not be imposed. The Supreme Court shall then consider the recommendation of the AOC and any filed response by the Court Administrator, and shall forthwith adjudicate the issue and, if applicable, impose sanctions.
4.3 At any time after the Notice of Noncompliance to the Supreme Court is filed and prior to the Notice to Show Cause being issued by the Supreme Court, an Administrator may file with the AOC an affidavit indicating compliance with the Rules for Certification and Continuing Court Education for Mississippi Court Administrators, and if satisfactory to the AOC, it shall forthwith notify the Supreme Court that the Court Administrator has fulfilled the requirements of these Rules and Regulations.

R. & Regul. Cert. & Cont. Educ. Miss. Ct. Admin. 4