R. & Regul. Cert. & Cont. Educ. Miss. Ct. Admin. 1

As amended through March 21, 2024

The Rules concerning Continuing Education (CE) shall apply to every Administrator of any designation of the Circuit, Chancery, County, and Youth Courts of the State of Mississippi. The Rules concerning Court Administrator Certification, pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 9-1-36(4), shall apply to Circuit and Chancery Court Administrators appointed on or after October 1, 1996. All Court Administrators in the Circuit, Chancery, County and Youth Courts, irrespective of date of hire, are strongly encouraged to be certified through the program described, as developed by the Mississippi Administrative Office of Courts ("AOC").

R. & Regul. Cert. & Cont. Educ. Miss. Ct. Admin. 1