Miss. R. Cir. & Cnty. Ct. 3.09

As amended through March 21, 2024
Rule 3.09 - Unnecessary Witnesses

No party shall subpoena unnecessary witnesses to repeatedly prove the same fact or set of facts. The court may, in its discretion, tax the per diem and mileage of all unnecessary witnesses against the party or attorney for the party causing them to be subpoenaed whether or not they are called to testify. In all cases, the mileage and per diem of any witness not called to testify will be taxed against the party causing them to be subpoenaed, unless good cause to the contrary be shown. Attorneys are directed to confer with their witnesses prior to commencement of trial, and no recesses shall be permitted for conferring with witnesses who were accessible before trial.

Miss. R. Cir. & Cnty. Ct. 3.09