Ct. Annex. Med. R. Civ. Liti. X

As amended through March 21, 2024

The following procedures will be utilized for the conduct of administrative functions necessary to make mediators available as needed for the referral of cases.

A. The Mississippi Supreme Court assisted by the Mississippi Bar will establish qualifications for inclusion on a list of mediators and prepare such list. The list shall be distributed to all circuit, county and chancery court clerks. The Mississippi Bar staff will provide administrative assistance. An administration fee for inclusion on the list may be established and charged to the approved mediators. Courts and parties are encouraged, but not required, to select mediators from this list.
B. Administration will be conducted through a committee designated the Court Annexed Mediation Committee which will be composed of the Officers and Executive Committee members of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of The Mississippi Bar, ex officio.
C. The Court Annexed Mediation Committee, with the advice of the Supreme Court, shall determine, on at least a semi-annual basis, whether there is an adequate number of qualified mediators to meet the demands of this Plan. If there is a determination that there is a need for training of additional mediators, The Mississippi Bar shall train or provide training to persons to serve as mediators. Persons receiving training elsewhere may qualify for inclusion on the list if said training meets the qualifications established by the Mississippi Supreme Court.
D. Within 60 days following the adoption of this plan, the Mississippi Bar shall submit to the Supreme Court proposed qualifications for mediators and administrative procedures for the implementation of the plan. Within 60 days following the appointment of members to the Annexed Mediation Committee, the committee will report to the Supreme Court the names, addresses and qualifications of mediators, and will update the list from time to time as needed.

Ct. Annex. Med. R. Civ. Liti. X

Amended effective 7/1/2009 to revise the composition of the committee; amended effective 1/11/2007, to increase the term of committee members to three years; Amended effective 1/26/2006, to remove limitation of number of members on the Court Annexed Mediation Committee.