Miss. App. e-filing Admin. P. 1

As amended through March 21, 2024
Section 1 - Introduction and Scope of Electronic Filing

The following procedures govern the utilization of the appellate e-filing system with the Clerk of the Supreme Court. These procedures may be amended from time to time. Persons using the appellate e-filing system should consult the Mississippi Supreme Court's website [www.courts.ms.gov] for the most current procedures.

A. Participants in Electronic Filing

The system permits attorneys to file documents with the Court from any location over the Internet. While all parties, including those proceeding pro se, have "read only" public access to documents filed, only registered attorneys, as officers of the Court, are permitted to file electronically. Parties proceeding pro se shall not file electronically unless said pro se party is a registered attorney in good standing and admitted to practice in the Court.

B. Training and Technical Assistance

These procedures govern use of the appellate e-filing system and are not intended as a technical guide for the use of the system. Information regarding the equipment needed to participate, as well as information on training and access to computer-based tutorials, can be obtained from courts.ms.gov.

C. Definitions and Instructions

The term "conventional filing" means presentation to the Clerk's Office of a hard copy of a document which cannot or should not be filed electronically. The hard or paper copy should be accompanied by an electronic storage device with the document in a text PDF file(s), if possible. If not, the document will be scanned for inclusion as an image PDF unless otherwise provided in these procedures. The "image" is not a searchable document; a text PDF is a searchable document.

The term "document" shall include pleadings, motions, exhibits, declarations, affidavits, memoranda, papers, orders, notices, and any other filing by or to the Court, whether or not the document is electronic or a hard or paper copy. "Hard copy" and "paper copy" are used interchangeably in these procedures.

"Electronic filing" means uploading a document in PDF format directly from the registered user's computer, to file that document in the Court's case file using the Court's Internet-based system. Sending a document or pleading to the Court via e-mail or facsimile does not constitute "electronic filing."

The "E-Mail Address of Record" is the Internet e-mail address of each attorney in the case as maintained by the system.

A "Filing User" is an attorney who is registered to use the system.

A "Notice of Electronic Filing" (NEF) is generated automatically by the system upon completion of an electronic filing. The Notice of Electronic Filing, when e-mailed to the e-mail addresses of record in the case, acts as the proof of service.

The term "PDF" refers to Portable Document Format. A PDF document allows anyone to open the converted document across a broad range of hardware and software, with layout, format, links, and images intact.

D.Selection and Designation of Cases for Electronic Filing

Unless otherwise permitted by these administrative procedures or unless otherwise authorized by the Court, all briefs, motions, responses, and compliance documents submitted for filing with the Clerk of the Supreme Court may be filed electronically by a registered attorney beginning July 1, 2013. Beginning January 1, 2014, all briefs, motions, responses, and compliance documents submitted for filing with the Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be filed electronically by a registered attorney or shall be scanned and uploaded to the system by the Clerk's Office.

Miss. App. e-filing Admin. P. 1