Minn. R. Bar. Admi. 14

As amended through July 3, 2024
Rule 14 - Confidentiality and Release of Information
A.Application File. An applicant may review the contents of his or her application file with the exception of the work product of the Board and its staff. Such review must take place within two years after the filing of the last application for admission in Minnesota, at such times and under such conditions as the Board may provide.
B.Work Product. The Board's work product shall not be produced or otherwise discoverable, nor shall any member or former member of the Board or its staff be subject to deposition or compelled testimony except upon a showing of extraordinary circumstance and compelling need and upon order of the Court. In any event, the mental impressions, conclusions, and opinions of any member or former member of the Board or its staff shall be protected and not subject to compelled disclosure.
C.Examination Data.
(1)Statistics. Statistical information relating to examinations and admissions may be released at the discretion of the Board.
(2)MBE Score Advisory. The director may release individual MBE scores as provided in Rule 7E.
(3)Transfer of MBE Score. The score of an examinee may be disclosed to the bar admission authority of another jurisdiction, upon the examinee's written request to the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE).
(4)Transfer ofUBE Score. The score of an examinee may be disclosed to the examinee or to the bar admission authority of another jurisdiction upon the examinee's written request to the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE).
(5)Release of Examination Scores and Essays to Unsuccessful Examinees. The director may release to an unsuccessful examinee the scores assigned to each of the various portions of the examination; and, upon payment of the fee specified by Rule 12K, the director may release copies of an unsuccessful examinee's answers to the MEE and MPT questions.
(6)Release of Examination Scores to Law Schools. At the discretion of the Board, the examination scores of an examinee may be released to the law school from which the examinee graduated.
D.Release of Information to Other Agencies. Information may be released to the following:
(1) Any authorized lawyer disciplinary agency;
(2) Any bar admissions authority; or
(3) Persons or other entities in furtherance of the character and fitness investigation.
E.Referrals. Information relating to the misconduct of an applicant may be referred to the appropriate authority.
F.Confidentiality. Subject to the exceptions in this Rule, all other information contained in the files of the office of the Board is confidential and shall not be released to anyone other than the Court except upon order of the Court.

Minn. R. Bar. Admi. 14

Renumbered and amended effective 9/1/2004; amended effective 7/1/2007; amended effective 2/1/2013; amended effective 7/1/2016.