Minn. No-Fault. Compre. Colli. Ins. R. 32

As amended through July 3, 2024
Rule 32 - Scope of Award

The arbitrator may grant any remedy or relief that the arbitrator deems just and equitable consistent with the Minnesota No-Fault Act. The arbitrator may, in the award, include arbitration fees, expenses, rescheduling fees and compensation as provided in Rules 39, 40, 41, and 42 in favor of any party and, in the event that any administrative fees or expenses are due the arbitration organization, in favor of the arbitration organization, except that the arbitrator must award interest when required by Minnesota Statutes, section 65B.54. The arbitrator may not, in the award, include attorneys fees for either party.

Given the informal nature of no-fault arbitration proceedings, the no-fault award shall not be the basis for a claim of estoppel or waiver in any other proceeding.

Minn. No-Fault. Compre. Colli. Ins. R. 32

Amended effective 8/31/1993; amended effective 9/7/1999; amended effective 8/5/2003.