Mass. Supp. R. Prob. & Fam. Ct. 28

As amended through May 7, 2024
Rule 28 - Signatures to Pleadings

In all cases not governed by the Mass.R.Dom.Rel.P., any matter that is not required to be signed under oath or under penalties of perjury by the petitioner or an interested party may be signed by counsel of record, and Mass.R.Civ.P. 11(a) shall apply to such signings.

Returns of service and military affidavits may be signed by counsel of record, and Mass.R.Civ.P. 11(a) shall apply to such signings.

Mass. Supp. R. Prob. & Fam. Ct. 28

December 14, 2011, effective 1/2/2012.

Reporter's Notes (2012): Makes Rule 11 certification applicable. Mass.R.Civ.P. 11 is worded differently from, but essentially makes the same provision as the MUPC at G.L. c. 190B, §1-310.
