Me. Fees Sch. & Doc. Mgmt. P. III

As amended through August 2, 2024

The following Maine entities are exempt from the imposition of the above fees:

Judicial Branch Legislature Executive Department Agencies Department of Attorney General District Attorneys Probate Courts State Independent Administrative Agencies performing a state-wide function, such as the Maine State Housing Authority and the Finance Authority of Maine Guardians ad Litem appointed and paid for by the court

Also exempt from the imposition of the above fees are:

Out-of-state official entities that perform a general governmental function such as:

o Courts

o Department of Health and Human Services or like agencies

The following entities are NOT exempt from the imposition of the above fees:

Federal Agencies, including military services, except where exempt by federal statutes in which case it would be the agency's responsibility to demonstrate that it has that exemption Municipalities Other local units of government Regional entities State chartered entities that do NOT perform a general governmental function, including the University System

Police Departments, defense counsel, or parties to a criminal action are entitled to one copy (attested or nonattested) of any document relating to that action pursuant to M.R. Crim. P. 53. Nonparties are subject to the fees set forth in this Schedule.

Litigants who have been granted in forma pauperis status pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 91, counsel for those litigants, and any counsel appointed or assigned by the court are exempt, during the pendency of that action, from payment of fees when the requested copy or service is essential to the conduct of the action.

This exemption does not apply to fees related to electronic recordings of court proceedings or the production of transcripts provided through the Office of Transcript Operations or its contractor(s) or Official Court Reporters, see subdivision I(J), requested by litigants represented by court appointed or assigned counsel or requested by court appointed or court assigned counsel. In such cases, the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services is responsible for payment.

Copies of documents in protection from abuse or protection from harassment actions, attested or not, will be provided without charge to parties, parties' counsel or authorized representatives, domestic violence or sexual assault services advocates, and law enforcement agencies.

The exemptions set forth in this section do not apply to fees related to the production of transcripts or audio recordings.

Me. Fees Sch. & Doc. Mgmt. P. III

Amended November 7, 2023, effective 11/13/2023; amended January 12, 2024, effective 2/12/2024.