Kan. R. Att'y Adm. 708

As amended through February 2, 2024
(a)Requirements. To apply for admission to the Kansas bar, an applicant must satisfy the following provisions:
(1) meet the educational qualifications in Rule 711;
(2) possess the requisite good moral character and current mental and emotional fitness to engage in the active and continuous practice of law under Rule 712; and
(3) comply with the specific requirements and procedures set forth in any applicable rule under which the applicant seeks admission, including Rules 716 through 721.
(b)Waiver. An applicant may request the Supreme Court waive the requirements to satisfy subsections (a)(1) and (a)(3). The applicant must submit a written request to the Attorney Admissions office and state good cause for the requested waiver.
(c)Preclusion. An applicant must not be precluded from admission under Rule 709 or Rule 710.

Kan. R. Att'y Adm. 708

Am. effective 7/1/2009; Am. (a) effective 11/12/2010; Am (e) effective 8/26/2015; Am. (a) effective 8/31/2016; Am. effective 1/24/2020; Am. effective 7/1/2022; Am. effective 1/11/2024.