R. P. St. Iowa. Comm. Jud. Quali. 52.10

As amended through July 19, 2024
Rule 52.10 - Initial inquiry
(1) Upon receipt of a complaint a determination shall be made whether or not the complaint is of substantial nature and involves matters which could be grounds for a charge within the jurisdiction of the commission to make application to the supreme court:
a. To retire a judicial officer or employee for permanent physical or mental disability which substantially interferes with the performance of his or her duties.
b. To discipline or remove a judicial officer or employee for persistent failure to perform duties, habitual intemperance, willful misconduct in office, conduct which brings the judicial office into disrepute, or a substantial violation of the canons of judicial ethics.
(2) If the commission finds the complaint on its face is clearly unfounded, frivolous, or could not be the basis for a charge within the jurisdiction of the commission, the complaint shall be dismissed with notice to the complainant.
(3) If the commission finds the complaint on its face is substantial, and, if true, would warrant application to the supreme court the commission may formulate a charge and institute formal proceedings, without any further inquiry or investigation.
(4) Upon the making of the determination provided in rule 52.10(1), when the commission has received a complaint or initiated a complaint on its own motion, the commission or the chairperson may direct that an additional inquiry be made by the executive secretary, or a commission member. The chairperson of the commission may further direct that the judicial officer or employee about whom a complaint has been made be notified that a complaint has been received, and of the substance of the complaint. When such notice is directed it shall advise the judicial officer or employee that the matter is in a preliminary stage and is not the subject of a formal investigation under rule 52.11(1), nor is the notice intended to be notice required under rule 52.11(2) of the commission. In such circumstances the judicial officer or employee shall be notified that because of the substance of the complaint or the commission's concern, the commission or chairperson feels that it would be desirable for the judicial officer or employee to provide in writing a report to the commission concerning matters referred to in the notice, and that it is requested, but not required, that the judicial officer or employee give to the commission such report.
(5) The commission or the chairperson may request the complainant to clarify the complainant's original statement to furnish additional information, to disclose sources of information, or to verify by affidavit statements of fact within the complainant's knowledge.
(6) The commission or the chairperson may also initiate inquiries of other sources.
(7) The commission shall dismiss the complaint and so inform the complainant if the initial inquiry confirms the fact that the complaint is clearly unfounded, frivolous, or could not be the basis for a charge within the jurisdiction of the commission. If the judicial officer or employee has been given notice of the initial inquiry as contemplated in rule 52.10(4), the judicial officer or employee shall likewise be informed of the dismissal of the complaint.
(8) If after the initial inquiry the complaint appears to be substantiated in whole or in part but does not warrant application to the supreme court the commission may dispose of the complaint informally by conference with or communication to the judicial officer or employee. The complainant shall be notified of such action.
(9) The commission shall direct that an investigation of the complaint be made if the initial inquiry indicates that the complaint may constitute a charge within the commission's jurisdiction and formal proceedings have not been initiated.
(10) The commission may formulate a charge and institute formal proceedings if the initial inquiry indicates that the matter investigated appears to be substantiated and, if true, would warrant application to the supreme court.

R. P. St. Iowa. Comm. Jud. Quali. 52.10

Court Order November 9, 2001, effective 2/15/2002.