Clnt. Sec. Comm'n 39.12

As amended through July 19, 2024
Rule 39.12 - Investigations; audits; annual questionnaire; enforcement
(1)Failure of bar members to cooperate.
a. The right of a member of the Iowa bar to practice law in this state is conditioned upon the member executing and delivering the authorization provided in rule 39.10(2), furnishing the cooperation required in rule 39.10(3), and completing and returning the annual questionnaire described in rule 39.11. Upon failure of a member of the Iowa bar to comply with any of the rules specified in this paragraph, the member's right to practice law before Iowa courts may be suspended, following the procedure specified in rule 39.8(2).
b. A member of the bar of Iowa who willfully fails to comply with the rules enumerated in rule 39.12(l)(a) may be held in contempt of the supreme court or may be subject to disciplinary action as provided in chapter 35 of the Iowa Court Rules.
(2)Violation of the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct.
a. When the audit, investigation, or verification of funds, securities, or other property held in trust by any member of the bar of Iowa, or an answer of any member on the annual questionnaire, discloses an apparent violation of the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct, the director upon request of the commission, or the commission, may privately admonish, refer to the Attorney Disciplinary Board, or institute disciplinary proceedings under chapter 36 of the Iowa Court Rules for the suspension or revocation of the member's license to practice law in this state.
b. All information obtained by the director and staff by virtue of the audits, investigations and verifications, and annual questionnaire, must be held in strict confidence by them and by the supreme court and the commission unless otherwise directed by the supreme court or unless proceedings are initiated pursuant to chapter 36 of the Iowa Court Rules or Iowa Code section 602.10123. If proceedings are initiated pursuant to chapter 36 of the Iowa Court Rules, such information relating to the named respondent may be released only to the respondent, the disciplinary board, and the grievance commission. If proceedings are initiated pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.10123, such information relating to the named accused may be released only to the accused and the attorney general or the special assistant attorney general designated pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.10127, to prosecute the charges.
(3)Commission subpoena authority.
a. The commission has subpoena power during any investigation conducted on its behalf to compel the appearance of witnesses or the production of documents before the person designated to conduct the investigation on behalf of the commission.
b. The commission chair, or other commission member in the absence of the chair, has the authority to issue a subpoena.
c. The district court for the county in which the investigation is being conducted has jurisdiction over any objection or motion relating to a subpoena and authority to punish disobedience of a subpoena in a contempt proceeding.
d. Counsel for the commission, the director, or any other person authorized to administer oaths has authority to administer an oath or affirmation to a witness.

Clnt. Sec. Comm'n 39.12

Court Order December 5, 1973; September 19, 1974; October 16, 1974; April 9, 1975; April 30, 1982; August 14, 1986, and August 18, 1986, effective 9/2/1986; 5/10/1990, effective 7/2/1990; 12/15/1994, effective 1/3/1995; 11/9/2001, effective 2/15/2002; 4/9/2003; 4/20/2005, effective 7/1/2005; 12/5/2007; 12/10/2012; 12/13/2017, effective 1/1/2018; court order September 14, 2021, effective 10/1/2021.