Judi. Admin. 22.28

As amended through July 19, 2024
Rule 22.28 - Transcripts - rates for transcribing a court reporter's official notes
(1) Pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.3202, the maximum compensation of shorthand reporters for transcribing their official notes shall be as follows:
a. Ordinary transcript (a transcript of all or part of the proceedings) - $3.50 per page for the original and one copy to the party ordering the original and 50 cents per page for each additional copy.
b. Expedited transcript (a transcript of all or part of the proceedings to be delivered within seven calendar days after receipt of an order) - $4.50 per page for the original and one copy to the party ordering the original and 75 cents per page for each additional copy.
c. Daily transcript (a transcript of all or part of the proceedings to be delivered following adjournment for the day and prior to the normal opening hour of the court on the following morning whether or not it actually is a court day) - $5.50 per page for the original and one copy to the party ordering the original and $1.00 per page for each additional copy.
d. Unedited transcript (an unedited draft transcript produced as a byproduct of realtime or computer aided transcription software to be delivered on electronic media or paper) - $2.25 per page for the original and 25 cents per page for each copy. The unedited disk or printed draft transcript shall not be certified and may not be used to contradict the official district court transcript.
e. Realtime transcript (an unedited draft transcript produced by a certified realtime reporter as a byproduct of realtime to be delivered electronically during proceedings for viewing and retention) - $2.75 per page for the original and $ 1.00 per page for each copy. The unedited text of the proceedings shall not be certified and may not be used to contradict the official district court transcript. Litigants who order realtime services, and subsequently order an original certified transcript of the same proceeding, will not receive credit toward the purchase cost of the certified transcript. Only certified realtime reporters may be compensated for such transcripts.
(2) These rates of compensation shall apply to each separate page of transcript even if they are produced in a condensed transcript format.
(3) These rates of compensation shall be the same whether the transcript is produced in an electronic or paper format. A certified transcript may be sold in an electronic format only if a paper transcript is produced, certified, and filed with the clerk of court for the records of the court or delivered to the custodial attorney. No additional charge is permitted for an ASCII disk or other form of electronic media when it accompanies a paper transcript.
(4) Court reporters are only required to prepare ordinary transcripts. They may, but are not required to, produce the types of transcripts described in rule 22.28(l)(b-e).

Judi. Admin. 22.28

Court Order 3/15/2007; 11/9/2009; 5/27/2010; 4/4/2012.