Idaho Bar Comm. R. 404

As amended through September 11, 2024
Rule 404 - Credit for CLE Activity

Attorneys may earn CLE credits for Accredited Activities that meet the standards of Rule 403(a), as follows:

(a)Credit for Attendance.
(1)General. One (1) credit hour will be given for each hour the attorney actually attends an Accredited Activity.
(2)Exceptions. No credit will be given for:
(A) Time spent in introductory remarks, coffee and food breaks, business meetings, or other activities that do not involve educational aspects of the CLE activity; or
(B) Any course attended in preparation for, or prior to, admission to the practice of law, provided that credit will be given for NAC-Approved CLE credits as provided under Rule 402(f).
(3)Self-Study Programs.
(A) Credits for self-study programs are limited to no more than one-half of the total credits for each reporting period.
(B) Self-study programs include viewing or listening to legal educational programs that meet the standards set forth in Rule 403(a) and that were produced within the previous five (5) years.
(C) A CLE activity will be deemed a self-study program unless:
(i) Three (3) or more participants attend the CLE activity; and
(ii) The participants have access to the presenter during the CLE activity or, in the case of a video, audio or other recording, a moderator is present during the CLE activity who is qualified to answer attendees' questions about the CLE topic.
(b)Credit for Teaching.
(1) Except as otherwise provided below, an attorney who teaches an Accredited Activity shall receive three (3) credit hours for each hour of teaching.
(2) No credit will be given for:
(A) Preparation time;
(B) Time spent in introductory remarks, coffee and food breaks, business meetings, or other activities that do not involve educational aspects of the CLE activity;
(C) Presentations by attorneys that include the promotion of goods or services; or
(D) CLE activities for which the attorney is directly compensated other than as an honorarium or for expenses.
(3) An attorney who teaches an activity that meets the accreditation standards under Rule 403(a) that is directed primarily to nonlawyers shall receive only one (1) credit hour for each hour of teaching.
(4) For panel presentations, credit shall be calculated by multiplying the course hours by three (3) and dividing by the number of panel members.
(c)Credit for Published Legal Writing.
(1) Published legal writing authored by attorneys may qualify for CLE credit as set forth below.
(2) Credit may be given if the writing:
(A) Contributes to the attorney's legal education;
(B) Is intended for an attorney audience; and
(C) Is an original writing that is published, in print or electronically, in a professional legal journal or publication.
(3) No credit will be given for:
(A) A writing that is prepared in the ordinary course of the attorney's employment or practice of law;
(B) Written materials prepared as part of a CLE course;
(C) A writing for which the attorney is directly compensated, other than as an honorarium;
(D) A writing prepared for or on behalf of a client or prospective client or for marketing purposes; or
(E) Editing or rewriting.
(4) Credit for writing will be as follows:
(A) One (1) credit hour will be given for each one thousand (1,000) words, provided that any writing submitted for credit shall include a minimum of one thousand (1,000) words;
(B) Attorneys are limited to a maximum of six (6) total credits for writing for each reporting period;
(C) Credits will be applied in the year in which the writing is actually published; and
(D) A writing that is co-authored by one or more attorneys is eligible for credit in proportion to the percentage of work contributed by each attorney.
(5) An attorney requesting credit for a published writing under this subsection shall include with the request a copy of the writing, a word count, and the name and address of the publisher. If the attorney is a co-author, the request shall also include a statement indicating the percentage of work contributed by the attorney.
(d)Carryover Credit. No credit for attending or teaching a CLE activity shall apply to a reporting period other than the reporting period in which the credit is earned.

Id. Bar Comm. R. 404