Idaho R. App. P. 25

As amended through July 12, 2024
Rule 25 - Reporter's transcript - Contents

The reporter's transcript shall contain those portions of the record designated by the parties in conformance with and as defined in this rule.

(a) Designation of Transcript. The parties are responsible for designating the proceedings necessary for inclusion in the reporter's transcript on appeal. Parties are encouraged and expected to specify a transcript more limited than the standard transcript where appropriate. All requests for transcripts, including a request for a standard transcript in a criminal appeal, must identify the name of the court reporter(s) along with the date and title of the proceeding(s), and an estimated number of pages.
(b) Partial Transcript. The partial transcript shall consist of those portions of the testimony and proceedings specifically designated in the notice of appeal, notice of cross-appeal, or request for additional reporter's transcript under Rule 19.
(c) Standard Transcript - Civil Appeals. There is no standard transcript in civil appeals. Requested proceedings must identify the name of the court reporter(s) along with the date and title of the proceeding(s), and an estimated number of pages.
(d) Standard Transcript - Criminal Appeals.
(1)Appeal from Judgment of Conviction. If any party requests the reporter's standard transcript in an appeal from a criminal conviction, the transcript shall be limited to the following:
(A) all testimony and proceedings reported by the reporter in the trial of the action or proceedings, including
(i) the voir dire examination of the jury,
(ii) the opening statements and closing arguments ofcounsel,
(iii) the conference on requested instructions, the objections ofthe parties to the instructions, and the court's ruling on instructions; or
(B) the hearing at which the guilty plea was entered, and
(C) the sentencing hearing.

No transcripts of other hearings or proceedings heard by the trial court at some time other than during the course of the trial shall be prepared unless specifically requested. Transcripts of pre-trial and post-trial proceedings other than the entry of a guilty plea or sentencing must be specifically designated and requested.

(2)Appeal from post-judgment proceedings. There is no standard transcript in an appeal from post-judgment proceedings. Requested proceedings must be identified by the name of the court reporter(s), along with the date and title of the proceeding(s), and an estimated number ofpages.
(e) Standard Transcript in Death Penalty Cases. In criminal appeals in which the death penalty was imposed the standard transcript shall include all hearings and proceedings held in the trial court of every nature and description.
(f) Depositions or Statements. Depositions or statements which are read into the record shall be reported by the reporter and shall be included in the reporter's standard transcript or when specifically requested by a party. Depositions or statements which are admitted as exhibits in evidence but not read into the record, and depositions or statements which are not read into the record but which are considered by the court in the trial of the action or by an administrative agency in a proceeding, or in connection with any motion in the action or proceedings, shall not be included in the reporter's transcript, but shall be included in the clerks or agency's record if specifically requested pursuant to Rules 19 or 28(c).
(g) Recorded Testimony. Any audio recording or audio-visual recording of testimony given under oath and played during the proceeding shall be reported by the reporter and included in the reporter's standard transcript in the same manner as other testimony of the trial or hearing.

Id. App. R. 25

Adopted March 25, 1977, effective 7/1/1977; amended March 31, 1978, effective 7/1/1978; amended March 30, 1984, effective 7/1/1984; amended March 20, 1985, effective 7/1/1985; amended June 15, 1987, effective 11/1/1987; amended April 3, 1996, effective 7/1/1996; amended March 18, 1998, effective 7/1/1998; amended March 1, 2000, effective 7/1/2000; amended March 21, 2007, effective 7/1/2007; amended March 19, 20 effective 7/1/2009; amended March 18, 2011, effective 7/1/2011; amended November 20, 2012, effective 1/1/2013; amended May 5, 2017, effective 7/1/2017.