Haw. R. Dist. Ct. 2.2

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 2.2 - Costs and Fees to be Collected by the Clerk

The clerk shall collect costs and fees providedby Chapter 607 of the Hawai'i Revised Statutes except that the clerk shall collect the amountsspecified herein as follows:

1. For copies of any document in any publicrecord maintained by the clerk:
a. In the clerk's office: $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page
b. In an off-site storage location: $5.00 plus usual copying charge
c. On microfilm:
i. $5.00 when provided by the clerk plus$1.00 per page
ii. $1.00 per page when obtained via self-service
2. For telefaxing of any document in anypublic record, the applicable charges plus:
i. Within Hawai'i: $2.00 first page and $1.00 each additional page
ii. Outside Hawai'i, within the United States (including American Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands): $5.00 first page and $2.00 each additional page
iii. Outside the United States: $10.00 first page and $5.00 each additional page
3. For copies of audio tapes, electronic copy of any document: $10.00
4. For copies of video tapes: cost of production
5. For any expedited or rush requests (copy(ies) provided within 4 hours if requestreceived before noon): $10.00 plus all other applicable charges
6. Ex officio filing (in addition to the usualfiling fee): $10.00
7. Certification under seal of a copy of apleading or other document subsequent to the initial filing of the pleading or document, except the record on appeal: $2.00
8. For Traffic Court Record Report (non-parking; when a report is available): $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page
9. For Traffic Court Record Report with clerk's notes (non-parking; when a report is available): $1.00 for the first page and $.50 for each additional page.
10. Search of records by the clerk (when a request does not include a case number that is available through a self-search of case record indexes): $5.00.
11. Parties to a pending case shall not be charged for the first copy of the court order, opinion, judgment or any other item entered in the case by the court, whether provided on paper or electronically.
12. The clerk shall charge the actual cost of mailing paper copies of any item, provided that the parties to a pending case shall not be charged for the mailing of the first paper copy of a court order, opinion, or other item entered in the case by the court.
13. The court may waive costs and fees for goodcause shown. In lieu of copying and mailing fees, theadministrative judge may authorize the clerk toprovide copies of orders, opinions, or other items topublishing companies in exchange for publishedmaterials for the benefit of the court or the judiciary.

Haw. R. Dist. Ct. 2.2

Added June 15, 2005, effective 7/1/2005;further amended November 23, 2005, effective1/1/2006; further amended June 16, 2006, effective 7/1/2006; further amended May 2, 2012, effective 6/18/2012; further amended October 23, 2012, effective 1/1/2013.