Haw. R. App. P. 10

As amended through June 28, 2024
(a) Composition of the record on appeal. The record on appeal shall consist of the trial court or ADLRO record, as set out in Rule 4 of the Hawai'i Court Records Rules, or the agency record as defined by statutes or rules governing agency proceedings.
(b)The transcript of court proceedings.
(A)When to request. When an appellant desires to raise any point on appeal that requires consideration of the oral proceedings before the court appealed from, the appellant shall file with the appellate clerk, within 10 days after filing the notice of appeal, a request or requests to prepare a reporter's transcript of such parts of the proceedings as the appellant deems necessary that are not already on file in the appeal. A request for transcripts of audiotapes or videotapes may list more than one tape on the request. The appellant shall transmit the request(s) to prepare transcript to the designated reporter(s), and the supervising court reporter, and shall demonstrate in the record that transmission was accomplished either by the automated JEFS notice of electronic filing or certificate of service.
(B)Form of request. Each request shall be submitted on a form that substantially complies with Form 9 of the Appendix of Forms and shall contain the following information:
(i) Name of the judge who or agency that heard the proceedings;
(ii) Name of the reporter who will be required to prepare a transcript pursuant to the request, or if the proceedings were recorded by audio or video recording equipment, the name of the supervising court reporter, or if there is no supervising court reporter, the name of the administrator for the court or agency from which the appeal is being taken;
(iii) Date or dates of the trial or hearing to be transcribed; and
(iv) Portions of the transcript requested.

Unless the requestor is statutorily exempt from the transcript prepayment or deposit requirement, each request shall be accompanied by either a certificate by the reporter being required to prepare a transcript that the reporter has been paid or has waived prepayment; or a declaration that the party ordering the transcript has submitted to the court reporter a deposit of the approximate cost of the transcript fees, as computed by the reporter in advance in writing at the rate established by the Rules Governing Court Reporting in the State of Hawai'i; or a declaration that the party ordering the transcript has submitted to the court reporter a deposit of the approximate cost of the transcript fees, as computed in advance in writing, at the rate of $150 for each hour of proceedings to be transcribed.

(C)Payment or Deposit for Transcript. Unless the requestor is exempt from the transcript payment or deposit requirement or the reporter has waived such requirement, a reporter need not commence preparation of the transcript until the required deposit or transcript prepayment has been made to the court reporter. If the requestor files a request for transcript without prepaying the transcript fees, making the required deposit, or obtaining the reporter's waiver of prepayment or deposit, the reporter shall, within 11 days from the date of the filing of the request for transcripts, file a notification with the appellate clerk that prepayment, deposit, or waiver of prepayment or deposit for the transcripts was not made. A copy of the notice shall also be served on the requestor.
(D)Service required. The requestor shall serve a filed copy of the request for transcripts and its accompanying documents on all other parties.
(E)Expected completion date; time limitations. Upon receipt of a request for a transcript, the reporter shall acknowledge the date of receipt on the request, indicate the expected completion date on the request, and then electronically file a copy of the acknowledged request in the appellate record and shall serve a copy on all parties. If the transcript cannot be completed within 45 days after the filing of the notice of appeal, the reporter shall notify all parties of the new date on which the transcript is expected to be completed, provided that the transcript shall be completed within 60 days after the filing of the notice of appeal, unless the reporter obtains an additional extension of time from the appellate court. Any such additional extension shall be granted upon demonstration by the court reporter that good cause for the extension exists. In the event of the failure of the reporter to file the transcript within the time allowed, the appellate court may take appropriate action, including the levying of a sanction against the court reporter.
(F)Inadequate payment or deposit. If, upon receiving a request for a transcript, the reporter determines that the prepaid fees or the amounts deposited by the requestor with the court reporter are inadequate to cover the cost of the transcript, the reporter shall, within 10 days after receiving the request, file with the appellate clerk and serve upon the requestor an estimate or revised estimate of the total cost of the transcript and a notice of the additional amount required to be paid or deposited with the court reporter. The requestor shall pay the reporter and shall file a reporter's certificate of payment with the appellate clerk within 10 days after service of the reporter's notice. The reporter shall continue to work on the transcript until the prepaid fees or initial deposit are earned or until the expiration of the time allowed to make the additional payment or deposit.
(G)Filing the Transcript in the Appellate Case. Upon completion of each transcript and receipt of payment, the court reporter shall file the transcript through JEFS or JIMS, designate the document as the "Transcript of proceedings held on" and enter the date of the transcribed proceeding in the Notes field for the corresponding JEFS or JIMS docket entry.
(H)Cancellation of request for transcripts. If, after a request to prepare a reporter's transcript has been filed but before the court reporter has begun preparation of the transcript, the requesting party decides the transcript is not necessary for the appeal, a written cancellation request, containing the same information as required by subsection (b)(1)(B) of this Rule 10, shall be filed with the appellate clerk and served on all parties. If, within 10 days after service of the request, a party deems the cancelled transcript necessary, the party may, within the following 10 days either order the cancelled transcript or, in the case the appellant has filed the cancellation request, move the appellate court for an order requiring the appellant to withdraw the cancellation request.
(2) CERTIFICATE THAT NO TRANSCRIPTS TO BE PREPARED. If the appellant deems it unnecessary to have transcripts prepared, the appellant shall, within 10 days after filing the notice of appeal, file a certificate to that effect with the appellate clerk and serve a copy of the certificate on each appellee.
(3) DUTY OF APPELLANT IN INSUFFICIENCY OF THE EVIDENCE APPEALS. If the appellant intends to urge on appeal that a finding or conclusion is unsupported by the evidence or is contrary to the evidence, the appellant shall include in the record a transcript of all evidence relevant to such finding or conclusion.
(4) NOTICE TO APPELLEE IF FEWER THAN ALL TRANSCRIPTS ARE ORDERED.Unless transcripts of all oral proceedings have been ordered, the appellant shall, within the 10-day time provided in (b)(1)(A) of this Rule 10, file a statement of the points of error the appellant intends to present on the appeal and shall serve on the appellee a copy of the statement. If, within 10 days after service of the statement, the appellee deems a transcript of other parts of the proceedings to be necessary, the appellee shall file and serve on the appellant a designation of additional parts to be prepared and included in the record on appeal. Unless within 10 days after service of such designation the appellant has ordered such parts and has so notified the appellee, the appellee may within the following 10 days either order the parts or move in the appellate court for an order requiring the appellant to do so.
(c)Statement of the evidence of proceedings when no report made or when transcript unavailable. If the reporter refuses, becomes unable, or fails to transcribe all or any portion of the evidence or oral proceedings after proper request, the party may (i) request that transcription of the reporter's notes be submitted to another reporter for transcription where feasible; or (ii) prepare a statement of the evidence or proceedings from the best available means, including the party's recollection or uncertified transcripts or reporter's notes. The statement shall be served on the opposing party(ies), who may serve objections or propose amendments thereto within 10 days after service. Thereupon the statement and any objections or proposed amendments shall be submitted to the court or agency appealed from for settlement and approval and as settled and approved shall be included by the clerk of the court appealed from in the record on appeal.
(d)Agreed statement as the record on appeal. In lieu of the record on appeal as defined in subsection (a) of this Rule, the parties may prepare and sign a statement of the case showing how the issues presented by the appeal arose and were decided in the court or agency appealed from and setting forth only so many of the facts averred and proved or sought to be proved as are essential to a decision of the issues presented. The statement, together with such additions, deletions, and modifications as the court or agency may consider necessary to truthfully and fully present the issues raised by the appeal, shall be approved by the court or agency appealed from and shall then be certified as the record on appeal and electronically filed by the clerk of the court appealed from within the time provided by Rule 11 of these Rules. The statement shall contain a copy of the judgment or appealable order with its filing date. The statement shall be accompanied by a list of such exhibits admitted in evidence or rejected as the parties desire to have transmitted on appeal.
(e)Correction or modification of the record.
(1) If any differences arise as to whether the record truly discloses what occurred in the court or agency appealed from, the differences shall be submitted to and settled by that court or agency and the record made to conform to the truth.
(2) If anything material to any party is omitted from the record by error or accident or is misstated therein, corrections or modifications may be as follows:
(A) by the stipulation of the parties; or
(B) by the court or agency appealed from, either before or after the record is transmitted; or
(C) by direction of the appellate court before which the case is pending, on proper suggestion or its own initiative.
(3) All other questions as to the form and contents of the record shall be presented to the appellate court before which the case is pending.
(f)Request for findings of fact and conclusions of law. In all actions where the court appealed from is not required to enter findings of fact and conclusions of law prior to the entry of an order, judgment, or decree, but is required to do so once a notice of appeal is filed, the appellant shall, no later than 10 days after filing the notice of appeal, file in the court appealed from a request for entry of findings of fact and conclusions of law, naming the judge who tried the action and entered the order, judgment, or decree being appealed. The appellant shall attach a filed copy of the notice of appeal to the request. The named judge shall enter the requested findings of fact and conclusions of law within 28 days after the request has been filed. To aid the court, the court may order the parties or either of them to submit proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law after the filing of the request. Upon showing of good cause, the appellate court may, on motion and notice made by the clerk of the court or a party, extend the time to file findings of fact and conclusions of law.

Haw. R. App. P. 10

Amended December 6, 1999, effective 1/1/2000; further amended May 7, 2001, effective 7/1/2001; further amended October 6, 2003, effective 1/1/2004; further amended June 20, 2006, effective 7/1/2006; further amended July 11, 2006, effective 7/11/2006; further amended October 28, 2008, effective 1/1/2009; further amended August 30, 2010, effective 9/27/2010; further amended November 8, 2010, effective 11/8/2010; further amended July 15, 2011, effective 7/15/2011; further amended December 14, 2011, effective 1/1/2012; further amended June 22, 2012, effective 9/1/2012; further amended April 12, 2016, effective 7/1/2016.