Haw. R. App. P. 18 app C

As amended through June 28, 2024
Appendix C

(HRAP Rule 45(e)(2) -- Copying Costs)

1. For single copies of any document in any public record, whether paper or electronic, maintained:
a.in or accessed through the appellate clerk's office$1.00 for the first page, $ .50 for each additional page
b.in an off-site storage location$5.00 plus per page copying charge
c.on microfilm - retrieved by the clerk$5.00 plus $1.00 per page
d.on microfilm - obtained via self-service$1.00 per page
2. For faxing of any document in any public record, the applicable copying and retrieval charges in 1. above, plus:
a.within Hawai'i$2.00 first page, $1.00 each additional page
b.outside Hawai'i, within the United States$5.00 first page, $2.00 each additional page
c.outside the United States$10.00 first page, $ 5.00 each additional page
3. For a single document downloaded through eCourt Kõkua and not subject to an Enhanced eCourt Kõkua subscriptionThe greater of $3.00 or 10 cents per page
4. For copy of an audio or video recording$10.00
5. Enhanced e-Court Kôkua Subscription:
a.government agencyNo charge
b.all others$125.00 per quarter or $500.00 per year
6.For access to view an electronic case record at the Office of the Clerk or at the Office of any ex officio ClerkNo charge
7. For certification of qualification$5.00
8. For ex officio filing (in addition to the usual filing fee)$10.00
9. For certification under seal of a copy of any document$2.00
10. For exemplification$4.00

Haw. R. App. P. 18 app C