Haw. R. App. P. 18 app A

As amended through June 28, 2024
Appendix A

The following is a list of the number of paper copies required in addition to the electronic or conventionally filed original document submitted to the Hawai'i appellate courts. The number does not include those copies the parties need for service or themselves. Additional copies may be requested.

Supreme CourtICA
Amicus Curiae Briefs 64
Motion for Stay11
Motion to Dismiss11
Motion for Reconsideration 11
Opening/Answering/Reply Briefs 64
Petition for Writ of Mandamus 1--
Petition for Writ of Prohibition 1--
Request for Attorneys' Fees and Expenses11
Supplemental Briefs64
Verified Bill of Costs 11

Haw. R. App. P. 18 app A