Haw. R. Cert. Interp. 1

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule 1 - Principles, Application, Authority and Scope
1.1 The purpose of these Rules for Certification of Spoken and Sign Language Interpreters is to establish a Court Interpreter Certification Program that will provide a process by which court interpreters may be registered, certified, and otherwise qualified in order to assist judges, attorneys, and other court personnel in selecting quality interpreter services in the Hawai'i State Courts.
1.2 All persons involved in proceedings before the Hawai'i State Courts, regardless of literacy or proficiency in the English language, have the right to equal access to the courts and to services and programs provided by the Hawai'i State Courts.
1.3 A person who is Limited English Proficient (LEP), deaf, or hard-of-hearing shall, throughout a legal proceeding, have the right to the assistance of an interpreter appointed by the court as provided by court rule.
1.4 The Office of the Administrative Director shall administer the program established by these rules for certification and for providing language interpretation services for court users who are LEP, deaf, or hard-of-hearing, who are principal parties in interest and/or witnesses, or persons with a substantial interest in legal proceedings in Hawai'i State Courts, in accordance with Judiciary Policy 12 (Language Assistance Policy).
1.5 For purposes of these Rules for Certification of Spoken and Sign Language Interpreters, any reference to the Administrative Director or the Office of Administrative Director includes the Judiciary's Office on Equality and Access to the Courts and such other offices as the Administrative Director shall designate with responsibility for the program.

Haw. R. Cert. Interp. 1

Amended September 7, 2018, effective 1/1/2019.