Haw. G. Prof'l. Crtsy. & Civ. Introduction

As amended through June 28, 2024
Rule - Introduction

The following Guidelines of Professional Courtesy and Civility for Hawai'i Lawyers, adopted by the Hawai'i State Bar Association as representing accepted norms of professional behavior upon which the successful functioning of the judicial system depends are adopted by the Supreme Court of the State of Hawai'i.

The Guidelines are not mandatory rules of professional conduct, nor standards of care, and are not to be used as an independent basis for either disciplinary charges by the Office of Disciplinary Counsel or claims of professional negligence. They are offered for the guidance of lawyers and for the information of their clients, as well as for reference by the courts.

The practice of law is an honorable and dignified profession. It is filled with clients in need, busy schedules, and crowded dockets. These guidelines are aspirational and will hopefully assist all in the legal profession and the justice system in conducting themselves in a manner that is fair, efficient, and humane.

Haw. G. Prof'l. Crtsy. & Civ. Introduction

Amended effective 10/4/2004; amended September 7, 2017, effective 1/1/2018.