Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 6-3

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 6-3 - Anonymity in Certain Appellate Proceedings, Opinions and Case Styles
(a)Adoption and Juvenile Appeals. The record and accompanying briefs, motions, or other filings in all adoption appeals and all appeals originating in the juvenile division of circuit court shall be sealed. The Clerk shall ensure that pseudonyms are used on the public docket to protect the identity of the juveniles in those appeals. Counsel and the Court shall preserve the juvenile's anonymity by using pseudonyms in all subsequent captions, opinions, motions, and briefs, as well as in oral argument, if any. The record and papers on appeal shall be open for inspection only to counsel and parties of record, or, only upon order of the Court after review of a written motion.
(b)Anonymity of Minors.
(1)Briefs and Motions. In all cases, pseudonyms shall be used in lieu of the names of minors in all briefs, oral argument, motions, petitions, or related filings. In the rare instance where use of a minor's name is necessary, the filer shall provide the Clerk with a redacted copy of the document that uses pseudonyms, and the Clerk shall seal the unredacted document.
(2)Appellate Records. In any case in which the appellate record identifies a minor, any party to the appeal may, without leave of court, redact information identifying the minor from a copy of the record and file the redacted copy with the Clerk. The Clerk shall then seal the original unredacted record. Any dispute concerning the redactions shall be submitted to the Court by motion.
(c) In any other appeal in which counsel for either side believes that a person's identity or other information should be confidential but is not protected by subsection (b), Administrative Order Number 19, or the procedures available under Rule 6(g) of the Rules of Appellate Procedure-Civil, counsel may move the Court to protect the person's identity or other information. The motion shall be accompanied by a redacted copy of the record or other filing that will be available to the public, and the Clerk shall seal the unredacted record or other filing pending the Court's decision on the motion. If the Court grants the motion, the Clerk shall ensure that the public docket complies with the Court's order. Counsel and the Court shall preserve the person's anonymity by using pseudonyms to identify the protected party in all subsequent captions, opinions, motions, and briefs, as well as in oral argument, if any. If the Court denies the motion, the Clerk shall unseal the record as appropriate, and the appeal shall proceed in accordance with these Rules.

Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 6-3

Amended and effective 1/23/2014; amended and effective 10/6/2022.