Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 3-5

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 3-5 - Certiorari to Complete the Record
(a)Authorization for writ of certiorari. When jurisdiction is conferred by filing, within the time allowed for appeal, a dated and certified copy of the order or judgment appealed from, the Clerk may, upon authorization by the Court, issue a writ of certiorari to the clerk of the circuit court, the reporter, or any other person charged with the duty of preparing the record on appeal, directing that any omissions or errors in the record be corrected.
(b)Contents of writ. The writ shall order that the record be completed and certified within thirty days, and the explanation for any default in complying with the writ must be made on the return within the time directed. This procedure may be used in appeals of civil, criminal, and administrative agency or commission cases.

Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 3-5