Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 3-3

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 3-3 - Record in Civil Cases

Not all records in civil cases will have the same contents. To the extent possible, items will be arranged in chronological order according to filing date, which will usually be in the following sequence:

(a) Circuit clerk's portion of the electronic appellate record.
1. Cover;
2. Table of Contents;
3. Complaint;
4. Plaintiff's exhibits that accompany the Complaint;
5. Statement regarding summons, set out in Rule 3-2(b);
6. Answer;
7. Defendant's exhibits that accompany the Answer;
8. Subsequent pleadings and orders in chronological order;
9. Final judgment, decree, or order appealed;
10. Post-judgment decree, order or motion (e.g., motions for new trial);
11. Orders granting or denying post-judgment motions;
12. Notice of appeal and designation of record;
13. Statement of points to be relied upon if abbreviated record designated;
14. Extensions of time to file record on appeal;
15. Stipulations to abbreviated records;
16. Narrative of testimony upon stipulations;
17. Supersedeas bond;
18. Circuit clerk's certificate, duly acknowledged; and
19. Certificate of costs of circuit clerk's portion of appellate record, indicating payor.
(b) Court reporter's portion of the electronic appellate record.
1. Cover;
2. Table of Contents;
3. Transcription of proceedings;
4. Digitized transcript exhibits;
5. List of exhibits not included in the electronic transcript;
6. Court reporter's certificate; and
7. Court reporter's certificate of costs of the transcript, indicating payor.

Ark. R. Sup. Ct. & Ct. App. 3-3

Amended and adopted 12/17/2020.