Ark. Dist. Ct. R. 1

As amended through November 13, 2023
Rule 1 - Scope Of Rules
(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), these rules shall govern the procedure in all civil actions in the district courts and county courts (hereinafter collectively called the "district courts") of this state. They shall apply in the small claims division of district courts except as may be modified by Rule 10 of these rules.
(b) These rules shall not apply to an appeal of a tax assessment from an equalization board to the county court. Rule 9 of these rules, however, shall apply to a tax-assessment appeal from county court to circuit court.
(c) Where applicable and unless otherwise specifically modified herein, the Arkansas Rules of Civil Procedure and the Arkansas Rules of Evidence shall apply to and govern matters of procedure and evidence in the district courts of this State. Actions in the small claims division of district court shall be tried informally before the court with relaxed rules of evidence, see Rule 10(d)(2) of these rules.
(d) Rules specific to criminal proceedings in district court shall so indicate, and in such cases, such rules shall apply to actions pending in city courts.
(e) Other matters affecting district courts may be found in Administrative Order Number 18.

Ark. Dist. Ct. R. 1

Amended November 18, 1996, effective 3/1/1997; amended May 24, 2001, effective 7/1/2001; revised12/9/2004, effective 1/1/2005; revised10/9/2008, effective 1/1/2009.