Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Crim. 4

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 4 - Time for Taking Appeal
a. The notice of appeal shall be filed with the trial court within 14 calendar days after the entry of the order, ruling, judgment, or sentence appealed from, except that a notice of delayed appeal shall be filed within 14 calendar days after entry of an order granting a delayed appeal.
b. The date of receipt of the notice of appeal shall be stamped or marked on its face when received.
c. The date of receipt of the notice of appeal by the trial court shall be the basis for computation of all time periods dependent on filing the notice of appeal.

Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Crim. 4

Amended Nov. 19, 1979, effective 4/1/1980;1/24/2003, effective 6/1/2003.