Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Crim. 12

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 12 - Disposition of Appeals
a. Ancillary Orders. The Superior Court may issue such orders in aid of the proceedings as it deems necessary.
b. Disposition in General. After determination of an appeal pursuant to these rules, the Superior Court may:
(1) Reverse the trial court and remand the case to the trial court and direct a new trial.
(2) Reverse the trial court and direct a verdict of acquittal, discharge the defendant and exonerate any bond.
(3) Affirm the trial court and remand the case to the trial court for appropriate action.
(4) Affirm the judgment of conviction, but modify the sentence and remand the case to the trial court for action consistent with the modification.
c. The Superior Court ruling and the trial court record shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the Superior Court to the trial court within 30 calendar days after the Superior Court enters its order finally disposing of the case unless a notice of appeal is filed.

Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Crim. 12

Amended Nov. 19, 1979, effective 4/1/1980;1/24/2003, effective 6/1/2003.