Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Civi. 16

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 16 - Sanctions

Where the appeal, motion, or other action is frivolous or taken solely for the purpose of delay, or where a motion is frivolous or filed solely for the purpose of delay, the Superior Court may impose such reasonable penalties or damages (including contempt, withholding or imposing of costs, or imposing of attorneys' fees) as the circumstances may require.

Sup. Ct. R. App. proc. Civi. 16

Added April 30, 2003, effective 6/1/2003 on an emergency basis. Amended Oct. 16, 2003, effective 12/1/2003.


Former Rule 16, Waiver of Formal Requirements, was repealed by order dated April 30, 2003, effective June 1, 2003 on an emergency basis.