Ariz. R. P. Small. Claims. Proce. 19

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 19 - Forms

The Administrative Office of the Courts shall develop and maintain recommended forms for the courts to provide the parties in small claims cases. Courts may modify these forms consistent with local practice or use forms that are substantially similar:

(1) Complaint;
(2) Summons;
(3) Proof of Service by Registered or Certified Mail;
(4) Answer;
(5) Counterclaim;
(6) Application and Affidavit for Entry of Default;
(7) Request for Default Judgment;
(8) Motion to Change Venue;
(9) Motion to Vacate a Judgment;
(10) Request [for example, a request to transfer a lawsuit to the justice court civil division, request for telephonic hearing, stipulation to dismiss lawsuit; or a request to postpone the hearing];
(11) Objection to Hearing Officer and Request for Justice of the Peace to Hear Matter;
(12) Subpoena;
(13) Notice of Voluntary Dismissal; and
(14) Notice of Settlement.

Ariz. R. P. Small. Claims. Proce. 19

Added Aug. 27, 2019, effective 1/1/2020.