Ariz. R. P. Small. Claims. Proce. 15

As amended through December 6, 2023
Rule 15 - Judgment
(a)Final Signed Judgment. A judgment is a final written order of the court that decides the claims in the lawsuit and is binding on all parties. A final judgment must be signed by a justice of the peace or hearing officer and filed with the court.
(b)Rendering and Mailing a Judgment. A justice of the peace or hearing officer may render a judgment at the end of the hearing or within 10 days after the hearing. The court must mail a copy of the judgment to all parties within 5 days. Payment of the judgment is due when the judgment is rendered.
(c)Correcting a Judgment. On the court's own initiative or at either party's request, the court may correct the judgment if there is a misspelled name, a misstatement of fact, or a miscalculation of an amount.

Ariz. R. P. Small. Claims. Proce. 15

Added Aug. 27, 2019, effective 1/1/2020.